Friday, March 31, 2017

I almost missed March all together

I've been tangling with weird post-concussive after-affects.  My taste and smell have got all messed up.  For most of March I've had the taste of gasoline and ashes in my mouth.  At random levels of intensity.  Which is distracting.
At first I thought there was something wrong with my mouth, like I had a gum infection maybe.  But it would come and go.  And was worse when I was under stress, for instance sleep deprivation.    So I realized it was my brain.  I checked the internet, and, yup, it's a thing.
Most all intense smells and tastes get translated into that one taste/smell: somewhere between ammonia, gasoline, and ashes.  My daughter postulated that I'd got banged out of the Matrix and so was taste/smelling the world as it actually is.  Which is not true's not that kind of world.  At least not yet. It's still riotously multi-smellular.  Hopefully it will always be.