Saturday, June 21, 2014

Half A Year Gone By in Minutes, It Seems

I've been so engrossed in my little world. 
The east is beginning to lighten and the orphan calves to cry out for their breakfast.  I have six this year, all with their tales of woe or mischance.  Bruce, Godiva, Cherry, Lilly, Billy, and Dilly. My religion this year is orphan calves, with prayers twice a day. 
You have to believe, even if it makes no sense "economically" to be up at dawn every day for months tending to their infant needs.  Believe in the unarticulated bond between your life of your kind and theirs.  You have to believe that you are serving life, making a small place of beauty.
I think about this idea of "leadership" that has become so popular lately.  What does it mean?  I thought for a long time that it was about having a vision and being able to articulate it to others effectively.  You know, politics.  Now I think it is much simpler than that.  It is in the making.  Making just about anything.  That's all. 

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