Thursday, July 14, 2016

Sharing Suffering

Ways of living and dying matter: Which historically situated practices of multi species living and dying should flourish?  There is no outside from which to answer that mandatory question; we must give the best answers we come to know how to articulate, and take action, without the god-trick of self-certainty.  Companion species worlds are turtles all the way down.  Far from reducing everything to a soup of post- (or pre-) modern complexity in which anything ends up permitted, companion species approaches must actually engage in cosmopolitics, articulating bodies to some bodies and not others, nourishing some worlds and not others, and bearing the mortal consequences.  Respect is respecere  — looking back, holding in regard, understanding that meeting the look of the other is a condition of having face oneself.  All of this is what I am calling  “sharing suffering.”

donna haraway, when species meet,  88.

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