Sunday, August 30, 2015

Revert to Last Known Good Configuration

The office computer keeps losing its mind.  I get it to work by ordering it to Revert to Last Known Good Configuration.  It probably has some malicious virus chewing through it.  Also the power supply is faulty.  Sound familiar?  My computer is Us.  Our operating system is faulty.  As long as we keep using the same operating system, that system will keep driving us on to Blue Screen of Death.  We need to revert to last known good configuration.  Unfortunately we’ve forgotten what that is.  

The name of our current operating system is Growth.  It makes sense.  Growth is good.  If you’re growing then you know that 1. you are alive, and 2. you're making a profit of some kind, whether it be money profit or energy profit.  Making a profit means you are fit, that you most likely winning the evolutionary game. I can understand why Growth has been a very popular operating systems for centuries. But, on a finite planet, it’s senseless to think one can grow indefinitely, at least in the material-intensive ways that we currently conceive of growth (housing, factories, stuff).  

It's a spectacularly complex operating system we live in, but the underlying premise is, well, idiotic.  Giving up all that complexity is going to be really, really hard.  But to have a non-idiotic operating system might be nice. It might feel very, very good. 

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