Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bruno Latour

Remember that soft spot I have for French philosophy? Ah, it has a new objet d'amour! I tried to like the Slovenian superstar, I really did, but all I can like is his name.  But Bruno Latour is not only as brutal as Foucault but he is funny, silly even!  "Contrary to Leibniz, in the movement of the watch there are also ponds full of fish and fish full of ponds."  That I just pulled out at random.  Or, "Interlude V: Where We Learn with Great Delight That There Is No Such Thing as a Modern World".
And it is a great delight to face the day with such cheerful knowledge.  This is all from The Pasteurization of France which subjects the great scientist and his followers to a Foucaultian undressing as a opening onslaught and then moves on to more fun things.

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