Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Philosophical Nonsense

Of course, the last post really doesn't resolve anything philosophically, strictly speaking.  To make any statement one needs a transcendent position, logically, to make that statement.  Or this statement about that statement. And so on, in an infinite regression of transcendent positions.  This is one of the many reasons that God is such a popular concept. God stops the infinite regress and fills the existential gap and provides for us, on the days when the sun is shining and everything sings, with the  grand unity behind all of this lavishness.  But God is the lazy way out, which is not to say that I don't think that the concept of God has been way, way over-engineered, as well as used for some fairly energetic but lamentable purposes (like the Inquisition).  Rather than taking cover behind God, and his recent successor deity, Science, it's much harder to just live with the gap and the infinite regress, to live with things just as they are. Subsumed and, in our best moments responsible, rather than transcendent.   Unexplained gaps, dark spots: the very idea that we can't know everything makes us anxious.  Anxious, and sometimes happy.

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