Sunday, January 23, 2011


Kane talking about lying down in front of bulldozers.

Cliff-hanging off pali to find endangered plants.

Hippies living in remote valley of Kalalau

Green flanks, black teeth

Trail beside cliff that falls into ocean - Old Hawaiian man on horseback – seeing the hair in the water under the empty backpack

Story of Ko`olau & Pi`ilani – refuge- hanging valley – waterfall

Red dirt mud

Cycle of methane fuel production – anaerobic digester – methane –generator adapted to burn methane – electricity – heat byproduct –absorption chiller

Mud ditch and red dirt ribbon around the island

Ornellas – vicious/virtuous cycles – what is a balanced cycle?

Definition of agriculture enlarged to include all human activity? (Renewed) understanding of agriculture will only come through explaining connections, engagement, participation, holding stake. There is agriculture in astrophysics, agriculture in everything, can we remember in time? It's possible to be human without agriculture, but it's not possible to have a civilization without it, even just a village.

Mikinalo (carnivorous plant) and ohia makanoe

Smilax (hoe kuahiwi)

Can we remember in time?


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